wing’s drunken bow
haunted in snow
flew away
this swan’s
fine show
beaming apathy
¡white agony!
don’t deny
yr plumes aren’t clamped
lights assign
spinning spells a-twirl my & me w/
the oceankissing color the black of my neck
& lakes you did break--
as I turn I laughing & chatting to
reeling but it’s hard to drown
turning soft drums
turning to bare suffocation
turning illegal & I’m a john-a-dreams when I met
the sound of my bloodocean but I clung to
catch my heavy heaved breath
down there in my green lean guts
& to breathe water you slid into my sorespace--
everyone swam in w/ yr dark/ curious fringe
sucked the breath right out of me ye
know me in yr eyes
my fear