cap it capulet & keep yr chin up lady
hear them wolves circling la casa
¿how in hell cd one sleep w/ that?
salacity for our ancestors . . . find yrselves religion
sun rises / sun sets / moon makes bad judgments / rise fall run rise fall run
cap it capulet & keep yr chin up lady hear them wolves circling la casa ¿how in hell cd one sleep w/ that? salacity for our ancestors . . . find yrselves religion IT WUZ PART OF IT BEFORE & NOW THERE’S LITTLE MORE & SO THERE IS MORE THAN BEFORE
darkness / death swerving dodging ghosts
& on the radio tla tla tla tla xihualhu-hu-hu-huian an an an tla tla tla tla macaz que que que que tona tona tonatiuh iquizayan-ayan-ayan-ayan tona tona tonatiuh icalaquiyan-quiyan-quiyan ghosts of headless bodies w/ inscribed w/ threats from Knights Templar protecting everyone that good godly cartel well Chaley & his primo felt no shivers in their bones only drunken pleasure & Makesickened time soy eres somos este futuro vuelto pasado todo lo que hubo hay haBRA soy eres somos este futuro vuelto pasado todo lo que hubo hay haBRA soy eres somos este futuro vuelto pasado todo lo que hubo hay haBRA circled into one another three times found a culebra & trapped it in a plastic jug day before w/ Amaryca observing all & planted some trees maybe they lived just to have children & write that book she sd wd make C’s life complete had to nod to that screaming down MEX 85 wind & rain thunder & volcanoes y if langwedge’s our roadmap of cultura geographizing where its people come from & where they go-- three pieces of prized chicken fat
& a poblano chili wrapped in red paper “This means war” President Wilson sd softly to himself & for this Ysrael saw Huitzlipocho & Tezcatlipocho intend to leave this forsaken Messican desert & once again native gods left Makesicko . . . & Loss [sic] Yropeos enter to take their teuleships . . . ¿what’s the significance of that? ¿& where do they go? well Xochimilco—a huevo—they run first to drink deep in ancestral waters soaking up death / & catching libations spilled from toppling drinks & stopping off there down south when born some few generations Al Norte to set asunder Amurka & newer forms of migratory disasters & failures of time / place / & name[1] but first to Xochimilco to replenish his gods & he grew greatly fatigued / tuvieron sed they sd so out they set in search of water & found: OPERATION: “YNDIAN SHIELD” / by chingador chronoquistador leaving field wide open for sufficient & well satisfied monstrous appetites for this mission in Xst for Xst as my bridge to gold & slave women & land & by my faith these heathens will learn of our truest trust in our lord Chuy Xst in all our suns & all everafter &/or before [1] When Chaley read this he sd aloud mumbled “¿btwn Emyly Dickinson & Juana Ramírez?” ![]() dwelt in his cave T U L A[1] in complete chastity—fasting / sacred yerba—tumbleweeds—devoting his life to meditation / duplicated as himself w/ his bro Ulises broken alone before returning / away alone snapping tumbleweed branches & enriching culture of his wdbe extended brown brethren w/ births of his thoughts —¡viva meXicanismo! & in his visions he saw that womanborn ancestor[2]-- observed Chaley Pancho Chastitellez / dead / 100 years in that future 4 Rain Chaley murdered by sunkissed Xochitl Flores / his corpse on its back / knees doubled to its chest / his heart separated from body detached by sd Xochitl & Ysrael saw heartless Chaley ghostly board a raft of serpents & set sail to the east —Manhatitlán-- puro deseparecido AY / YA / YYA / YN / YE / AN Y N / Y N / Y N Ysrael saw dew of Chaley’s pipi a-sprinkled / showered / scattered / ‘pon Xochitl’s tumtum música pagada toca mal tono O lo la lo . . . O . . . o . . . O . O & Ysrael weeping & Ysrael sorrowing sigh / his hermano / sigh . . . sight of his brother Ulises & Dolores / Dolores qué dolores waking w/ her her breath facebody upon sudden sadness saw her see her seeing thinking seeing feeling hearing sighing fatigue remember . . . & U’s face Chaley’s face Ysrael’s prophecy of Chaley deeper sleep . . . & Chastitellez eating out his heart when acknowledging how he offended his own ghosts . . . how wronging em / taking fright / ¡SHADES OF DON QUIXOTE! ¡ZÁS! Ysrael snooked up head shake head shake snao ueah & wind his head / anguo ho / that boy thought agringadooh pitiyanquisquisquisquis no mamames & ye see these / 100 years later Chaley wd read Ysrael’s pocho prophecies & timidly & absently pontificate to güera Llorona / quote these white walls / white folks’ walls el diablo es ¿don’t you understand? unquote / she sez / all rubio we’ve been around’s walls y en sus azules ojos ¡ZÁS! all our lives Chaley dos estrellitas ¡ZÁS! encendió ¡ZÁS! el amor ¡ZÁS! con su corbata ¡ZÁS! ¡ZÁS! y sus calzones rojos el diablo me parace encantador tattooed across her pale back the union jack & Chaley read these same prophecies as he lived them & wrote them in his Pocho Codex of selfreckoned “Santo” Ysrael & also his mama Xóchitl of 400 children[3] mostly ‘xicanos —una nalgalita whose ass wd make anyone religious-- in some accounts she was a prostitute-- but for Ysrael’s choice prophecies he had no shame of documenting his mother-- of fleshed mexicana: absence of yr beat pulses inside me Carajo: ye want to find disease cut it from inside & make this maldito world right ye who told me once numbers of yr days—ye (Chaley) cd be one to set me RIGHT / (¿La Llorona?) this pinche gentleman solo thinking of days maybe this wd be someone to truly marvel w/i one who writes to make his right write of those reading like nothing YE alone I brought ye one drink of water bc you tired needed some fire in glass w/ ice I breathe into ¿ye see smoke? I see ye leave & that’s all & so entonces my windows break / leak / bloody screams new ghosts prying again / as incense / on altar another day cobalt smoke here sacrifice her old hands rub into C’s scalp watching C sleep such an adorable tortilla yes blue tortillas —& Ysrael wrote all this over 100 years before C —of C w/ Ysrael’s mother Xóchitl/Xochitl in loving rapture-- some space indeed / & bequeathéd first his prophecies to his son-in-law Pancho Chastitellez (i) who bequeathéd them to Pancho Chastitellez (ii) who bequeathéd them to Chaley / Pancho Chastitellez (ii) of course incorporated much of sd material into his Pocho Codex: Piercing an Amurkan Poetic Historiography-- blue tortillitas / which reminded Chaley of Nachos & bloom of AZTLÁN sky’s light & not yellow light of New Yorb & nachos w/ carne asada / yes / nachos / & X stood & left Chaley alone / sometime later she returned carrying a giant dish of Nachos Especiales / “these natch-os” sd X (¿Llorona?) “will help you Chaley / ye will soon forget yr troubles “for nachos make one romantic” “I won’t sey no” & out her building’s window they cd hear a dog speaking rough / rough / rough “delicious” “thanky” “I will reverse that Mex’can curse: ‘may yr life NOT be filled w/ lawyers’” “thanky kindly” “¿think ye’re quite oppressed by the breadth of that knowledge eh?” “as ye sey: ay cucúy” [1] y ante tanto dolor tanta muerte / un conquistador conquista’o fuiste [2] she where water meets skies / ce acatl / luminare coeli pulchra ut luna ut sol electa [3] X’s lamentations / her fortune / hints of her aversions to all vices / & justified diversions a las Musas Chaley sd AYE DIOS MIO / shit girl /
didn’t know you wuz Yndia Yndian & she darknightsky hair / pointed & dignified-- daresay aristocratic nose—invited him to dinner w/ her folks / all ate fat chiles relleno’d w/ beef & golden Amurkan queso & drank dark dark modelos & when her maMA asked C what his folks worked to make bread / janitors Chaley immediately thought to himself best not say that: pop mines / moms drives her pinche bus he sd & at that instant ¡ C U M B I A ! y ¡holy shattered sequence! ¡great jumping chronotopes! directly as La Yndia grabbed Chaley by hand pushing him to electric dancefloor redpinkbluepurple lights spinning shake yr hips my mariposa mercy he thought tuya tuya TUYA & EPA[1] aye mamita chinga que S E E & like Ysrael & Ulises Solís-Freholerehy on one side & LOS PANCHOS on that other C cd only think tapping into all snapped mapped moments of tranquilitated ‘flections such as this one “I know / huh . . . I can do ese” sd to himself there’s not much to this if I can’t do this I lose all faith in myself as a man or future man & yes he sd his folks didn’t clean offices nope / no dignity in that for these Yndia Yndians got papeles after all / not like granddad Pancho or los Solís so move made & sitting afterward in their booth her parents back question still hung in air / that bus / maybe too pinche forward / well yes / pues yeah cabrón & excusing himself to hmphs from La Yndia’s folks presumptive of his workingpoor roots Chaley at the bar alone w/ La Yndia (& thinking to La Llorona) La Yndia rubbed his thigh under leg of his wranglers she scratched his skin w/ her nails she smiled & stared into his eyes/ then down to her hand on his wranglers & back thru to his lips she’s beautiful & from her pocket w/ one hand some sand & w/ her other hand rubbed it on his ankle that’s for you she sd that’s all for you you take it all all that sand & you keep it it’s all here / all for you I don’t care abt money / that sounds romantic he didn’t know how to respond ¿wd he say something sexy or flattering or nice? / looked at her hand up his leg “¿when they start a-mandatin pre-meddy “future ped’tricians be poets?” laughed & she pulls her hand away poetry & fire . . . wide shot Yndia’s obsidian dark eyes / shimmers of lights behind her outline / left dead center wide shot of Chaley’s brow & brown eyes / looking down away somewhere & Chaley sipped his important ice-cold import draft & yes yes he seemed to hear her think & sense realized sitting near you think you wd see yrself in . . . not more than that that . . . saw bc yr body simply body & how wd . . . not feel warmlight near / constantly brushing limbs touching unison intellectually no one touches / sorry / still not unless you can provide new insight into Paradise Lost somehow glossed then & yes then forever well success / pues / & later in her parents’ home when he started twisting her nipples like grapes in a vise she found that onanistic then phantasies (where she saw her father beating herself shamed her into wanting him) / she cdn’t wait / his breath stank of hops & instantly recalled her gloomy memory —her first-- in the New Makesicken woods / she was fifteen-- “don’t want to hear abt this” sd C “first listen” Yndia sd —& she continued bc if he was her lover he wd know her-- . . . well . . . she has second thoughts / slaps her / she kicks / he pulls / wrenches off her dress & rips her down she twitches & twists & squirms & bites & fights but she’s small & that just makes his slaps quicken anyway so she just gives & cries & plays “garage” he gurgled too . . . faster . . . & she left herself motionless & he finished & pain sharp sudden pains hard jerky kicked harder & more violent & . . . stop . . . release . . . he fell asleep on her / breath of beer / snores hops on her face / took her fifteen minutes to roll out from under his body / sweat lubing her freedom blood running down her legs / btwn asscheeks dripped down/ dirt on her back & in her hair / sharp pains she’s split from him & she rushed from him & ran w/o her slippers she ran home thinking of how to tell her father his brother did that . . . “chingao / chingao / chingao” . . . yeah / I know / & pieces of Jesus slipped off her small mouth & covered tan napkin draping her chin & never /& for C ever / had those eyes blacker than night been more radiant than that night but maybe it was the wine or maybe the Henry James narration making him go mad or maybe hopelessness itself romantically wiping that smear under her left ear / pushing up earring hanging silver square / wishing to be there where neither was wasn’t & wasn’t was either [1] it’s hard to find the sounds that sound the same / sounds that give name from the Codex Mojaodicus 7 HISTORY: legit copy, MS 57462f-4 Amatl paper screenfold fragment painted both sides [first draft] / Late August shortly before the twelve franciscans arrived in México to covert those yndios to X Xian men o wisdom & Xian men had discourse-- [1524] Xianization not same operation as Hispanization 12 explain to nobles & Tlatoani their rules of god’s agents & his empire y aquí senoresnuestras & here our lords [glyph] these teules who offer goods the tail the wing offer incense feathered serpents [glyph / glyph] WORLD KNOWERS blood letting night divided divine water fire precious breath world they sd robes from clouds the fog from inside immense water-- struck off their heads & reattached them to their nalgas Chaley’s spirit double / his nahual / sd & it responded “. . .” [glyph] smash his face w/ rabbit-jar [glyph] bring book painting celestial western magic “los que estan mirando” leyendo los que cuentan todas las naciones / por barbaras / y de baxo metal que ayan sido [glyph] PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE 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BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED PLUMED SNAKE TREE SLEAK FREEZE BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED BREATH IF BLEED . . . to develop within members of our race the best purest most perfect type of true & loyal citizen of these glorious Yoonaited Estaytes de Amurka acquisition of eenGLISH language official language of our hemisphere being necessary for joyous exercises of dignities & humanrights our imaginations & privileges . . . we pledge ourselves to learn & speak & teach our children this language of our ancestors . . .
YEAH: that knack for brown lack of languages skills / of labor skills / of education of cultural deprivation / economic deprivation brown lack of economic opportunity / of educational opportunity / brown flood a’colorin Colorado Messican lack of recognition of its own citizens civil & human rights WELL then beaner follow this recipe / spelled brownly for ye BROWN acquisition of ENGLISH LANGUAGE BROWN increase in educational attainment BROWN bilingual education BROWN compensatory education BROWN elected officials BROWN capitalists BROWN political party (L.A. Brown RAZtlána Unida / La Bra) BROWN landowners digging trenches into their own tierra amarilla BROWN cultural pluralism BROWN racial integration BROWN judicial decisions BROWN civil rights legislation BROWN trade unionism BROWN selfdeterminism / insert yr imagined autonomous Xicano state here fatso BROWN voting rights legislation Chaley: brown enough but as descendants of fureños chingados & not quite at that chingón level of those chingones ivy leaguin their Xicanoismos & as mexile’s wander wearies him / not wound gold maybe his halted heart / but nay not earth’s honors-- remembers retainers & receiving treasures / how when younger w/ his will he followed & feasted . . . but all favors die & he who must long leave his beloved will’s wisdom discerns that sadness & sleep simultaneously strains that secluded wretch-- in his mind he looks upon a likeness: as if he his will again he clasps & kisses / as if on his knee he lays hand & head—as when he beforehand on thrones benefited / those Mexi-days bygone words words we wear words words words worn worthy words wormy words well worth worse / mmm / we wear words wrong words wear ways w/ words willing w/ words dicen que: always already or: fix’t fate versus freewill ![]() [attributed to La Malinche’s efforts at reading the coded letters of Tío Pancho Chastitellez in order to discover his maddening artworks] 1 her voice rockdrills his soul listen: grinds him into cornearth down to brown bloody cornflour enough poison to make his head spin—chains him / pins him down—makes him pregnant & hungry for meat . . . & even if she . . . he dies & if she breaks skin he dies & if she gets in & does her stuff he dies & if she touches him he dies & as long as she stays out of his blood ¿what does he care? she’s a fire he sets off . . . a burning shadow . . . but hotter than fire-- & I can’t stand in the way-- Xochitl yes—& she cuts-- she cuts / she cuts cuts—rips—flays-- from his nose from his temples wears his skins stringed on her ankles & wrists she slices she cuts / she cuts w/ that root of her tongue tongue & thusly gone she tears him open she cuts . . . S O L O N G C H A L E Y & he cries—drones-- booms—cries-- & she cuts deep-- breathes deep & slices hard & he staggers & he yelps & he staggers back stricken-- & she offers flores flores canta flores-- flowers strung together . . . I cover him w/ flowers she sez I destroy him w/ flowers I DESTROY him w/ deez flowers I injure him w/ flowers I incite him w/ flowers I caress him w/ flowers I seduce him w/ flowers I induce him w/ words & I murder himnz w/ my flowery wordswords SNAP: & his gaze lands there Pochtlán they sey which as he sees & considers effects no tears to rush into his eyes--this time—no-- no hot sobs cut his throat-- & er / NO . . . no constructed tears of smeared centuries gone dripping down his face & no not sorrowfully falling to stone & certainly not piercing his heart-- & as he wipes nothing from his face no shadows linger where his hands rest or ever rested 2 & he wakes / ¿into another dream? & who else but David Foster Wallace appears to him look up: banners reading “make it new / make it used / & fucking die you fucking die” DFW sez you forget fast friend when you saw me at Strand & yr jealously led ye to say nothing I’ve read yr story abt me[1] & frankly I don’t much like it: it ain’t that all bad now & Chastitellez sez slyly at this moment: “See Da—whoa / sorry “I almost called ye Dad / I meant Dave / Dave “see Dave I’m not un hombre “to whom such orders cd or shd be given “sir listen: besides it ain’t my wish to anyways “& bueno fer yr fey wey: ni modo pues cabrón “bc compared w/ you I can sey yr gringo pendejo “make it brown / some wine ¡ho!” & w/ that he unshyly dispatched Amurka’s greatest post WW2 author thoroughly w/ his fair & strong swordplay (again como Xochitl’s cantos floridos) wildly gritando SANTIAGO all the while walkin back directly again to Al Norte to AZtlán but first a small detour thru nopaled Cananea & stories Chaley wd come to hear of his grandfather Pancho Sr vagabonding for work & readily searching for workboots & books pues his own li’l piece in a golden northern land of milk & money see he knew Pancho Sr had got these here handbills / up in Sinaloa / say’n that mines in AZtlán were digging deep for hot copper güey [1] Conversations with DFW by Chaley Chastitellez, B.A. 1 December 1984 I walked back from the New Yorb Café and confessed to D, whom I ran into near the mimosas outside the Modern Language, that I had successfully gained the waitress/actress X’s affection after engaging her in multiple sinuous discourses ranging from the capricious temperament in the critical works of a certain Russian chef, to the heroic striking unions, and dirty, dirty Mexico during her smoke break. “Think she’ll let you pork her?” D asked, one eyebrow raised, the other seemingly still in its scabbard. “. . .” He re-adhered his slipping signet to the scroll rolled tighter than an enchilada & this he held in the breeze. He continued in his aqueous voice: “Yes, but you see, love is the necessary thrombosis.”[1] Plaudits from an unknown source ensued. “You need not bowdlerize for me,” D said. I blushed as he heard this all this 18 September 1990 After fabricating the cover wrap for the biography with a paper grocery sack at D’s unfurnished flat, I opened the text to page 173 and read to him the quoted passage from the author’s ex-wife that most exhilarated me: The aim of literature is the creation of strange object covered with fur which breaks your heart. D’s robot servant Ginger helped him off with his belt buckle, then rucksack, finally knotted his purple bandanna, and emptied the ashtray. He asked to touch the cover, rubbed his index finger along the fibrous wrinkles I left crinkled. A fascinating mediocre meta-quote from a proven alcoholic D said nodding, nodding. “. . .” I said. “True, but think more in terms of calipers.” Of course, calipers I thought. He turned toward Ginger. “And you, a Cosgrove-Cog pox upon ye and your dynamo-empty heart! Just kidding. Babes, your sweet repoussé face makes my teeth sweat.” Ginger blushed. “Consider this, Chastitellez: the aim of literature is the suction of the thick tick meant to tickle your tibia.” “. . .” “You’re right. He had the benefit of surreal sculpture before him, alas.” “. . .” I said. “I agree,” said D, “it is beautifully absurd that a robot named Ginger should blush.” 23 July 23 1991 “. . .” “Yes, in fact, my LBJ story does not reprehend him, but, rather, is written in an unexpected, unforeseen pathos. It’s quite strawdenarlly touching, in my opinion moving.” “. . .” “That’s right, I said strawdenarlly.” 11 August 1995 Q. . . . A. A brief interview with a hideous man? Well, you’re no piece of lemon pie either, my friend. Q. . . . Tuxson . . . A. No, my fiction did not do there. It did not do, it did not do. I remember thinking to myself, I shall grow old, wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled before these cats dig what I did, dig? Q. . . . the sky a bluish gray . . . A. But you wrote about piss in jars; I was sketching the Incandenzas and parodying Barth. Q. . . . A. Who’s destroying the way “we” tell stories? We? Look, I gotta meet a man about a horse, let me get back to you on this, cool? Valentine’s Day 1999 I dropped by D’s place to bid him happiness for the holiday. Unfortunately I had had neither the time nor resources necessary to construct for him the intended shotgun shell wreath I had promised since Christmas. Nor the diorama representation of the AA scene from his upcoming Infinite Jest. “Mmmmyello?” D answered over the intercom. “. . .” “Truly: a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of synthetic and organic machines: a creature of social reality as well as fiction. About 10% of U.S. citizens (I included) are cyborg robots. Artificial skin, boss. Come on up.” Inside his newly furnished flat, D introduced me to his recent acquisition of various swords: épées, daggers, cutlasses, rapiers, machetes, stilettos, pen knives, switchblades, scalpels, flyssas, kaskaras, takoubas, falchions, khopeshes, cinquedeas, sabers, döppelhanders, katanas, scimitars, tulwars, pulwars, nodachis, spadones, flamberges, kampilans—all laying there nice and gorgeously aestheticized on his newly purchased glass top table D eats the pink of his Neapolitan ice cream first. Ginger hands me a Coors and tells me “Cheers. Klaatu barada nikto.” “Kick back for a minute, I’m just putting the final touches on my manuscript. Let me finish then we’ll make like trees, then we’ll wage war with the discriminating public after first making an appearance at Che’s. What are your feelings on pavement not the band?” |
Chaley ChastitellezAnnals of Aztec demigods, Chican@s more Dedalusians in slouches, Quetzalcoatls in jumpsuits. Click to set custom HTML
September 2019