dwelt in his cave
T U L A[1]
in complete chastity—fasting
/ sacred yerba—tumbleweeds—devoting his life
to meditation / duplicated as himself w/ his bro Ulises
broken alone before returning / away alone
snapping tumbleweed branches
& enriching culture of his wdbe extended brown brethren
w/ births of his thoughts
—¡viva meXicanismo!
& in his visions he saw that womanborn ancestor[2]--
observed Chaley Pancho Chastitellez / dead /
100 years in that future 4 Rain
Chaley murdered by sunkissed Xochitl
Flores / his corpse on its back / knees doubled
to its chest / his heart separated from body
detached by sd Xochitl
& Ysrael saw heartless Chaley ghostly board
a raft of serpents & set sail to the east
puro deseparecido
AY / YA / YYA / YN / YE / AN
Y N / Y N / Y N
Ysrael saw dew of Chaley’s pipi
a-sprinkled / showered / scattered / ‘pon Xochitl’s tumtum
música pagada toca mal tono O lo la lo . . . O . . . o . . . O . O
& Ysrael weeping
& Ysrael sorrowing
sigh / his hermano / sigh . . .
sight of his brother Ulises & Dolores / Dolores qué dolores
waking w/ her
her breath
facebody upon
sudden sadness
saw her see her seeing
thinking seeing feeling
hearing sighing fatigue
remember . . .
& U’s face Chaley’s face
Ysrael’s prophecy of Chaley deeper sleep . . .
& Chastitellez eating out his heart when acknowledging how he offended his own ghosts . . .
how wronging em / taking fright /
Ysrael snooked up head shake head shake
snao ueah & wind
his head / anguo ho / that boy thought
no mamames
& ye see these /
100 years later
Chaley wd read Ysrael’s pocho prophecies
& timidly & absently pontificate to güera Llorona /
quote these
white walls / white folks’ walls
el diablo es
¿don’t you understand? unquote / she sez / all rubio
we’ve been around’s walls y en sus
azules ojos
all our lives Chaley dos estrellitas
el amor
con su corbata
y sus calzones
el diablo me
tattooed across her pale back the union jack
& Chaley read these same prophecies
as he lived them & wrote
them in his Pocho Codex of selfreckoned
“Santo” Ysrael & also his
mama Xóchitl of 400 children[3] mostly ‘xicanos
—una nalgalita whose
ass wd make anyone religious--
in some accounts she was a prostitute--
but for Ysrael’s choice prophecies
he had no shame of documenting
his mother--
of fleshed mexicana:
absence of yr beat
pulses inside me
ye want to find
disease cut it from
inside & make this maldito
world right ye who
told me once numbers
of yr days—ye (Chaley)
cd be one to set
me RIGHT / (¿La Llorona?)
this pinche gentleman
thinking of days
maybe this wd
be someone to
truly marvel
w/i one
who writes to make
his right write of
those reading like nothing
I brought ye
one drink of water bc
needed some
fire in glass
w/ ice I breathe
into ¿ye
see smoke? I see
ye leave & that’s all
& so entonces my windows break /
leak /
bloody screams
new ghosts
prying again
/ as incense /
on altar another day cobalt smoke
her old hands rub
into C’s scalp
watching C sleep
such an adorable tortilla yes blue tortillas
—& Ysrael wrote all this over 100 years before C
—of C w/ Ysrael’s mother Xóchitl/Xochitl in loving rapture--
some space indeed /
& bequeathéd first his prophecies to his son-in-law
Pancho Chastitellez (i) who bequeathéd them to Pancho
Chastitellez (ii) who bequeathéd them to Chaley / Pancho
Chastitellez (ii) of course incorporated much of sd material
into his Pocho Codex: Piercing an Amurkan Poetic Historiography--
blue tortillitas / which reminded Chaley of Nachos
& bloom of AZTLÁN sky’s light & not yellow light of New Yorb
& nachos w/ carne asada / yes / nachos / & X stood
& left Chaley alone / sometime later she returned carrying
a giant dish of Nachos Especiales / “these natch-os” sd X (¿Llorona?)
“will help you Chaley / ye will soon forget yr troubles
“for nachos make one romantic”
“I won’t sey no”
& out her building’s window they cd hear a dog speaking rough / rough / rough
“I will reverse that Mex’can curse: ‘may yr life NOT be filled w/ lawyers’”
“thanky kindly”
“¿think ye’re quite oppressed by the breadth of that knowledge eh?”
“as ye sey: ay cucúy”
[1] y ante tanto dolor tanta muerte / un conquistador conquista’o fuiste
[2] she where water meets skies / ce acatl / luminare coeli pulchra ut luna ut sol electa
[3] X’s lamentations / her fortune / hints of her aversions to all vices / & justified diversions a las Musas