sounds felt
distinct as bells / no words only sounds / what they smelled like / what colors they flashed /¿Wd we see another Warhol of their faces today?
bass in magic Puebla across the way there / jazz bass
w/ a bow / called it a wand once & no arrogant piano / this cave a theater if you want to continue the metaphor / parable as parabola / mathematical mirror function throw / my class w/ chains around their necks / students of my brujerias chingadas / chains around their necks / chains güey / folks / why chains? doesn’t Marx use the chains metaphor as well?
workers of the world / / / but yr chains / well yes he does—back in 4 Wind / /
prisoners / folks / can’t turn their heads / arrested w/ the images of shadows on the wall / well let there be sun / O in the beginning there was the pun /
Evac cave / loosen that jewelry you always knew wore heavier than the neck liked or the wrist cared for / lift up them heads to the light / folks / no longer are we stuck in this sunken pool of cess theater competing for whatever honors we bestowed upon one another for interpreting the shape of bunny ears made by the Senator standing on the raised way / so we set keel to breaker / shoe to rock / beat the sun to the top as I dragged the folks by the hair up the hill / shoes were new so we wanted to wait to get them nice & dirty / shoes in Puebla glass cases round corner stop & warm tile sun flicker
all acted like script / turned in late assignments as well / I took those / I always do / I asked
for things typed / double-spaced / I received notebook paper frills on the desk I passed on to the next professor who always airs resentment / he’s a small man /