his uncle TOTO bought him breakfast for dinner.
then he returned the favor later forgetting the forgiveness.
his uncle bought him breakfast for dinner.
she’s pushing up her raw face now
she rains herself raw
her fat ears drip themselves to one
she wrenching ever all
thinking of Blue Star punching all the buttons of destruction
song overhead: Culture Club
no / he wanted to hurt no one / only
to find his lost friend (¡& the loot to boot!)--
elders flocked to Vegas / to AZtlán / & he wd never
help them / he wd never assist in their endeavor--
& they didn’t know / aside anything of their
newest “Patriot” act prescribed by their pinche President--
that our story for a moment . . .
. . . let us consider the President: we wanna President who typifies beauty we wanna President who waters his own flowers & brown shrubs a President debonair a President courteous a President cheerful & of course kind . . .
married couple sat at bar
w/ a seat between them
playing video poker casino
employee arrived inquiring
of the husband’s concerns
he sd: something inaudible
tuxedoed casino employee
responded into his walkie-talkie
& took a key from his chain
which he inserted into a lock
in the bartop / w/ video-molded
pokerscreen both literally & virtually
stuck together
clank/ clank fell coins into this man’s tray
& his wife watched her own screen
outside palace Bellagio he listened
to dancing waters thinking we’ve angered them
(those waters) & The People applauded loudly /
& still he saw no goddamned Blue Star
Blue Star’s search hurt his feet / fatigued his mind as well / & made his belly swell from twice several beers he downed
“there are no beverages allowed in the arcade’s fire”
“yes / sorry”
another man w/ braids in his hair received his payoff & his coins clinked into his tray that might be nevermind
seats at the bar of Texas Casino
had longhorns nailed to their backs—novelty/ alas
today might have been nice w/ a camera
Caesar’s Imperial skypaints of clouded contagion / basely / which confused Greece / Troy/ Rome & not TaynochteetLAHN
then onward France as he drove to its top
top of Eiffel 2 (half the size of the original due to air restrictions)
considering fluorescent green-neon lilies
how they blink
raising his drink filled
in his Eiffel cup
raised in salutation to Blue whom he loved dearly
in his way / well . . .
reasonable enough,
that Blue Star shd somehow
take herself away
from such mess of this existence
that C figured entirely predictable
to this situation
& if indeed if placed in Blue’s position
himself thinking of doing the same
leaving during night’s course
before anyone wd notice
fleeing to someplace far from this mess
of this existence embraced yet neither admitted to
Blue Star obviously ran.
C stood and considered:
one day I may run & fall one day sun may drown one day our earth may stop spinning round & I may romance media’s magazines & trees covering me may stop seeming green & branches I wander inside may believe in me
write that
no forgotten
Blue Star stole Chaley’s money
& this mess of this existence stinks worse w/o money no doubt
sleeping felt useless
sleep during the night felt useless
Blue Star he remembered
habitually ground her teeth while she slept
Blue Star never could have told him where she went
this had happened six times before
& each time Blue Star alluded him longer than previous
first Chaley found her at Reid Park’s polar bears
second time found her at Güero Canelo’s
third time: Grand Canon / two weeks
fourth: Wall-Mart Eye Care Vision Center / one month
fifth: Public Pool / Pochteca / AZtlán / five weeks
sixth: Gus’s Liquor / Grant Road btwn Columbus & Swan: 5.5 weeks
never if ever remembered whenever Blue Star
finally returned to her home
pupils covered gleamed obsidian
cd see himself reflected
in what seemed like azure obsidian
a corner liquor store
weeds crept up side of store
out from sidewalk
flowers arching themselves up toward desert sunlight
& he heard some children passing on their bikes
one of the girls looked at C then quickly looked away
looked at the ground or maybe her handlebars
probably her handlebars
C stopped & asked “¿any of ye seen Blue Star?”
& these lovely children: “you stink like shit.”
“be that as it may / niños / you have overlooked my question posed”
“prolly eats shit & then shits it out & then the shit smells like shit-times-two & then he doesn’t wipe & then we smell him when he walks because the wind carries the shit”
“I thank you for your time niños” he sd
he kicked a trash dumpster
¿Blue Star sleeping?
no Blue Star
moved a bit
a sandbox further down the way