“Let the candidate . . .” trailing off
“fill his mind . . .” cough
“with the finest cadences . . . ” attend attend
“he can discover / preferably in
“a foreign language” B A S T A!
“so that the meaning of the words
“may be less likely to divert his attention
“from the movement . . .”
music / rhythm
in verse libre
Herr Pound taught syllable-sound play
(sound scrip)
& as Olson projected in verse
syllables STACK STRESS
Y E S !
& in phrase Anglais the self’s song-truths reckon
prosodies of yore
(yr Old English Seafarer here)
“. . . e.g. Saxon charms / Hebridean Folk Songs / the verse
“of Dante / & the lyrics of Shakespeare . . .”
syllables long & short DURATION / D u r a t i o n
stressed / UNstressed
vowels / consonants
& for Pound into England
arriving by a commodius vicus
to v e r s e i n c r i s i s
(one follows his storm through beaded curtains
under saturated clouds against windows)
Aye / & for early P to fill the ear shd fill the eye.