bc they’re hunting wets / shit / so he told
Xochitl don’t go flouting all yr semana bracelets at once
w/ yr snakeskin boots y todo at pinche Wallmart
or best keep yr SS card handy just in case—socia
so entonces
& so Xochitl laughs
& earlier that day in Vegas
Chaley noticed under his glass tabletop
sitting alone w/ his icecold domestic draft
General D Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
his napkin on his face / his leg well / god knows where that’s at
nice domestic draft / cold / & broadcast on television to his left: sports
he never watched / once at a bar in Tuxson he watched
PBS but that only once / w/ ol Agustín Yabronez de Rioseco
in all likelihood off to make his fortune—great bigheaded
fortress of Mexico / el gringo te chingó
cabrona / to Xochitl / te chingó chingó
now on bullriding / & another screen tractors
pulling big loads of junk really fast & flames
erupting from their pipes
& then Chaley w/o interpreter sd I’d have ye know
that ye’ve come from distant lands at our lord’s
bidding / our Presidente Chuy / who’s many many
lords & vassals myself included has sent me
to command yr great princessly fortune & give
up yr sacrifices & stay away from lost gringos--
somber distance too please—stop eathing flesh
of yr neighbors & quit it all w/ all that sodomy
& other things ye do behind yr walls—for such’s
the living will of our lord President Chuy Xst
& in these firme Untied States of Amurka--
in which we all believe & whom
we worship—great giver of life & death / bear up
bastarda to Freedomlandia
& Xochitl laughed at this
& Chaley then expounded how heard abt some distant
Tío Taco so-called (& also Father Taco[1] / from he who birthed
Chaley w/ his thoughts)
who worked nightshifts at the university hospital north of speedway as a cook
& one day he showed up at work bien crudo
& wooshy woozy / & as he stirred the boiling menudo
in a ten-gallon pot he slipped / smashing his chin
on the cauldron & loosening his glass eye
which / clarín / chinga que damn / fell directly into the soup
his insurance wdn’t cover the costs of a new one / & since then
that Tío Taco has been one-eyed
further enhancing his gnomishness
true story
& Xochitl: ¿cd ye tell
me more abt our Holy Amurka?
& remained silent staring
at her shoes / or floor
w/ eyes closed--
well then I guess now there’s nothing
else I can do cept put up my flag--
& then some drunk güey sitting at bar’s furthest corner
sd “make peace w/ this pendejo / lady / & fill
“yrself w/ his jobs & honor our Virgen / & make
“sweet sacrifice of yr red/white/blue bleeding
“body—pos yr heart & blood mi morena—”
haughty words indeed
& Xochitl / w/ authoritas
chalchihuites in her ears--
feathered hair—her
only desire to serve
Chaley & his gods
Chaley her tecle
who already promised
to make rounds
w/ her in the Vegas tiangüez
Xochitl sd to that güey back there:
“know yrself puta madre cabrón
“look out for yrself gordo
“pinche rosepetal tamal”
& proceeded to threaten
to lop off his feet
Chaley not surprised
had heard of these Mezkins
from Pancho’s letters
& library / of Mezkins
in AZtlán—enmity
deeply rooted
in their hearts /
& such this Mezkin
character of that under
cover of peace
they wd only practice greater
treachery—for they
never kept their word--
whatever promised--
[note: & as his translator / ye Malinche—outsider within / insider without]
looking Xocitl in her eyes
in more or less dyadic terms—unspoken
mind—w/ him
& minimal attention to her eyelashes
& how she cd
turn our Aztec empire
upon itself / state of civil
war brought on—no--
instigated by outsiders--
same ol Amurkan
logic / Puerto Rico / Nicaragua / El Salvador / Panama / Chile / Argentina / Cuba / DR / Guatemala / El Salvador / Iraq
& Chaley maybe harbored secret
muddleclass [sic] Amurkan dreams
alignin w/ certain
things & comin to know Quetzalcoatl--
performin certain ethnic behaviors--
before outing
Vegas sola
& encountering
Chaley . . .
publishes her blog tunes off her dig music
leaves thru backdoor / of her cousins’ casita / screen slams / lights her way w/ her keychain light & approaches barnwise she
thru her silk Wallmart panties she
soft touch be ticklen her fanny
sitting feels tonguey
how she likey that she be
him for he knows she be thought
for ye also bygmaster have
it she whispers before entering
important for her place
& it meant big deals yes
to her grass she weeping
oceseven this hill
sky able to feel her
there: message
some man tall dark
ghost of McTlán
from talltime
Orizaba firm
he stands
chingao / ¿who’s this güey?[2]
adstupet ipse sibi uultuque
inmotus eodem haeret
ut e tenochtitlan formatum
marmore signum . . .
no doubt some down&out Meskin
forced to seek better
conditions in Hell Norte--
another wronged by Amurka’s
slow relentless pressure
of agricultural / mineral / financial
/ & oil corporate interests
on this Messican’s nation’s
entire economic & social/historical
evolution / true soldier
of the rekonkuistsa &
out of his wifebeater dark
her mind her clitoris to clam M A M A S I T A
calming too much quick now / ay
off S O L I D
so cold check on her hoss
knowing to explore that
in her most prized CHEEK
down she can please any
man or Mezkin hoss deep down inside
her she wanted woods loved
hosses madder her warm moist arous--
Temo & she both galloped thru precise processions
she dreamt of it when her
husband proposed he loved
silk panties b/c she bent on her knees & toucheyed
almost feels like fingers but when he
lifted her head slowly lightly licking
her clit she Xochitl then looked at her
hosbonde’s presence now outside barn window
so far away he always coming supersmart
no she didn’t
hossin w/ Temo their family Mezkin hoss
her cousins’ jointly-owned Vegas stable
out near National Guard armory & Vegas
& Xochitl again we must tell no one checked
her voicemail & Temo sd seemon
but Xochitl
here in this bar made mouth to this compa
sitting back alone crying into his warmin tecate
& Chaley shd sey there’s no truth
ye can know everything / Xochitl
ey hey hey hey there: girl using skirt w/ button-down shirt
quickly she scampers by
how close & hidden Xochitl & Chaley found themselves so close his
breath on her cheek & tho no music they held plenty
including how she held her breath & shivered
& he thought I’m young old Tio Pancho man sure as hell lived
no life like Virginia Woolf but I cd learn to pick
pockets like this for my daily bread my real living
wages carajo b/c I espeak that langwedge
between myself . . . between my ancestors & myself
& not all verbs nor tenses cover that tension
& she looked at him something nice nice woman
here woman this woman Chaley sd hallo hallo
sure strike me as someone beautiful someone
entirely beautiful for me at this moment
struck spin swerve redbricks beneath gas blood machine
& earlier Xochitl’s
world vibrated synesthetically
she strolled in sporting her synthetic fibers
heels in purple syllables YEA &
for before she drove this
freeway / her heels off below
her legs/ lefty toeing her
purple spikes righty maintaining
injection of fuel into her
mighty three-punto-five L
four-banger she
passed roadside skyline sculp-
tures of rocks & plastics
she: artist queen of children
her sublime ruffians
she—incinerates mastadons
she—worms & swords her squirms & chortles
she—saves for rainy days
she—jangles whinny trio of tenors
she—whose eyebrows as nests of swallows
she—fabricates w/o scarring sweet 40 winks
she—one sweet forty winker then indeed indeed
she—ruby-throated hummingbird
she—who combs sea snails near Oaxacan seashores
she—whose shoulders drip dry champagne
she—jangles whinnies in her trio of terms
she—gracious beehive mama
she—engages worrying currents
she—victim of some fambly trauma
she—houses & raises wild ferrets
she—eyelines big brownblack eye
she—lightly singing singing signing
she—lyrical outburst twothree time
she—even eats all natural natural
she—left three ones as tip for her barrista
she—never leaves that much ever
she—felt guilty today &
she—didn’t know exactly why after all ‘twuzn’t
she—who went off lookin to study codex thru glass downsouth
she—stayed home worked around her cousins’ casita & to go had to go
she—lightly signing signatures & singing b/c
she—hasn’t dramatic ins & outs like Chastitellez outbursts
she—ain’t chaotic
she—doesn’t have snakes for eye
LA PUTA MUERTE—now she had snakeyes for Chastiteyez
she—onyx lampadhphore Phenix amphore
she—knows little bit less than when
she—started but
she—still knows everything
she—pink anguish now sunk ash now conch resonantly foolish to drink trash gold gash of unicorn lash naked lank thick junglebush wink flash
she—recollected for praxis—yeh pragmatic
YUP: she ye know we worship for she Mamas forth
into godliness see her Great
Mama river & earth & sky to plain until foot
in part park & part parking lot
ravishment & phantasy those
lucky onlookers soaked of subsequent
worth makes me think she thinks . . . review
some tangent what we’ve thought
our manitas on here claims stylistic representation
this our heroine gets caught
out in rain w/o her umbrella & wet
she gets or pulled back into a choke hold
she—looked down at him suddenly unaware of her brown eyes startling under thick black mextiza brows yea so
she—s not beautiful exactly sd Chaley but such bonedrawn distinction
well b/c anyway he sees
a hapless fertile plain
& touching hands ¿ye
listen to Nacho Vegas? ¿too?
muy nice
[1] Careful: tacos talk to tricksters
[2] mira: estay entray ¿este maestro
el deecho y sabe tichar?
el icho— ¿tichar? ¿eres un tichar?
oon taycho —¡callete musasho!--