0:13it’s a secret that distribute that don’t
0:16on Polis A dissidents
0:20or not
0:22champion dot something dot screen at one time
0:29we’ve got witnesses like he wd get the job growth over that one drugs like
0:33by joe we’ve got a here at the close by
0:36would be a strike against the polis & might
0:39he’s gonna put you on yr body is right the Polis A prison will continue
0:45finally have & you are where you’re in here
0:47bc some big shopping centers in Polis A & want to sell a few papers
0:52he’s the man that started all this Polis B crime wave stuff to get the
0:56the process is started the v. near the words into
1:00Polis B politicians there’s another what is a Polis B wout insulting that lights up
1:03to the border
1:22you know what yr problem using
1:25to extend yourself
1:27you can’t stand it anymore
1:35who’s been decided you want anyway
1:39center the rules of the things