Hold her shoulder tell her close her eyes
Yr yellow poly tie too loud
w/ yr purple butterfly collar shirt
but yr rayon gray jacket feels right w/ that orange hanky in yr pocket
she’s browner than you w/ a part in her hair
wearing all black black coat black blouse
pursed mouth saying save me Rev G
tho not exactly mouthing anything
belief or not
“you got demons” forcefully shake her shoulder
left arm around her shoulder formerly
where he held that cross
poke her shoulder w/ each syllable
“we’re gonna git rid of em” nod
into mic still in his righty
“w/ the help of my god”
“hot / you wanna be set free?”
“hell yes”
“good” let her go
her eyes downcast what color her eyes?
“other than the fact that you manifested on yr way over here
“did you know you have demons?”
mic to her mouth
mic to his mouth
“have they manifested before?
“well obviously we haven’t gotten to the bottom of the curse yet & we better get to it “tonight here’s what I want you to do I want you to repeat some things after me but “first smile”
pat her cheek
“you’re abt to get set free”
“say now I now”
“I now”
“renounce the devil”
“renouce the devil”
“say I renounce”
“I renounce”
“the blood sacrifices of the Azspics”
“the blood sacrifices of the Azspics
quickly move yr mic away from her mouth
“& the Chyngcas & the desMayas”
“& the Chyngcas & the desMayas”
shake blur
“I renounce . . . Quetzalcoatl”
“I renounce . . . Quetzalcoatl”
“ever heard the name?”
“yeah um hm”
“where’d you hear it?”
“growing up . . . learning abt Messican history”
“I go back to my ancestors”
“I go back to my ancestors”
“who were sacrificed”
“who were sacrificed”
hand off her should mic to mouth
close eyes step away neck upbent
let her go let her go
“to the one on whom this curse was placed—”
O Lord! from audience
look to that voice mark it w/ yr raised eyebrow
mic to her mouth
“to the one on whom this curse was placed”
“I break that curse—“
“HAJ” serpent eyes fangs
hand on her forehead
“I break that curse”
only my whiteness can save her
“you will fail Quetzalcoatl brownbloodsucker
“because you are tryin to oppose
“inevitable waves of history & the future