Che’s Lounge
find sun-
puddle chortled
shiny redheaded
B. Wright
sporting sandals.
ask how
many freckles.
B. Wright says
millions. lifts
shirt’s tail
& her back--
B. Wright
hands me
a hand-
rolled number,
tobacco hairs
spilling. observe
mechaniz’d bear
pursuing Antigonus. B.
Wright writes:
My (desultory)
book fails more.
& that word
you just used.
You imposing—you
impose yourself.
B. Wright brown coat:
fur-lined, purple
buttons. Emily
Dickinson tattooed
on left forearm
heard a fly
buzz. paper skin
sprinkled with nutmeg.
& no don’t think
look like Vik Shklovsky.
calling myself
missed. William
Carlos the Conque—”
“. . .”
humid American mind. &
how much an epic?
Fifty, fifty-five? Per
square foot, of course.
“. . .”
& dig this, I
wrote this
for the goat:
This darksome goat,
horseback brown,
fuzzy scrotum hanging
Sprung Mediocrity—&
B. Wright hands
me a hand-rolled
number, tobacco
hairs spilling. observe
mechaniz’d bear
pursuing Antigonus.
B. Wright writes: My
(desultory) book
fails more.
& that word you
just used. You
impose yourself. B.
Wright, you—actress
breathing B.
Wright writes & B.
Wright writes
& that word you
just used. You
imposing—you impose yourself.”
B. Wright speaks[1]
another sort I
maintain. poet, make
me desire to do
Wright, where’d you
get those little red shoes?
B. Wright
write writing
too: Oh, I’m
the antennae
of the species all right.
I write: Arrive at Che’s
Lounge only
to find sun-
puddle chortled
shiny redheaded B.
Wright wearing sandals.
Ask her how many
freckles her body has. B.
Wright says millions.
Lifts her shirt’s tail
like someone sprinkled
her skin with nutmeg— B.
Wright, I hear, sells
hot-dogs at the
ballpark in Tucson.
—B. Wright writes: B.
Wright, your brown
coat next to me:
fur-lined, purple
buttons. Emily Dic--
[1] B. Wright speaks: “Ahe mehrmoor thoo th houls wndoh yo eetneder poignth ov th rehkord—thoo th szlachpahlm h.r yojr berethslyce wihn thoo th defphasinbereth takerd neithernt p.n stahck th nood hjope et es sawry bereth rimouldid. ‘fhor luhve of th fhibré’ . . . kondoos mhe whunimbrase wit yoo. Vehrmelleon r.g whunst.r, a ph.nest.r whith richenessmeld.
“Charerhampes mattod whun ower whalk, plezhor o levin bereth thoo l. th shandalere, liddel l.f l. spaddre o whork ahnd lase. (Sahd gud-b. m.ferendes, chompinaros ov m.l.r.f, thoo yhor shohrt deskobhal: ahnd m. ahnd ch th t.cheeng nker ov thoo th wirrldaly ov th ohldsoret m.. rimaigns thoo th sopberring bereth rhippd fharohm yhor zenteans.) Philgerem ahnd sterongaly l..t ahnd en phondenes, thoo figs, thoo th strrahtizf.d smhoke ov a n.vle. Yhes pulasingu a sqw.r . . .
“B. yhor intent b.b.b.. breath see the sickness wehen h.t thoo th pain dhanses seceding icely remhind verses ov sitee ov th c.p. Pig. & she drank her water from a dirty trough likewise, this makes for the making of something, how do you feel about obscenity?”