deekskin / MS 71471h-7 Paper ink draft / November
the word choice mimics “my” self in “you”
should “you” read this “I” that isn’t
entirely “me”—just the sobject [sic] unreferenced
cd walk cd smell cd listen & desire
cd fry papas in corn shd/wd “us”
proficiently enough—“I” exist for “you” as “yr”
sobject [sic] “my” self to “you” blanket “me” in fiction of “we”
wrap “yr” hair around “my” fingers preach
pronoun of this
these devices
poetically contrived
emotion floating on nothing
where is where “you” arbitrarily are in this not “me”
sobjected [sic] to a relative “I” might be “yr” possessive
cherry red velvet curtains
soft & delicate to the touch & green shag carpet & a picture of a fish
in the room
there was no window