mostly because yr hair’s sparklets chortle sun puddles
as in yr cheeks as yr father called you
as in this metaphor passing strongly solipsistic
into my eyes yr good un-eye patched eye flees
promptly into my brain’s convoluted juice globs
theorized softly as soliloquies, sprinkling
passions like the seasons, bigger than spruce trees
gripping truly, as an octopus grips
believing the scenery of yr good eye grips
mine (cushioning body slips to beanbag
posture) sleeping as we here on this giraffe’s hips
me to the periphery nearer rented bars, unraveling
twice now falling, falling as berries we picked
w/ Aunt Betsy adhering even now to my teeth
lay us down now go to sleep
I say nightly, nightly you cry as
I shd have left you already you said
you said “arr g’bah” as lovely as you new speak
elaborating further as I make rapid-eye sleep
even in Alaska these gray skies I lick shine
because the voice of yr hair sparkles kindly
& yr cheeks freckle smiles
you metaphor buckling through chorus (surface)
liquid you blanket me, entirely, brightly
w/o reason I gather you like berries
aiming to heft you (& yr good eye) when time arrives
weaving towels of yr hair
dry me to shine me anchored increasingly
liquid you blanket me beside asphalted whale road
totems of ourselves wrapped w/ selves
guts wound rewound shells
explain the effectiveness shells
explain the profound beauty of mountains jutting sea
explain the ravens the eagles the sea gulls
explain the always sun to shine ever anchored evermore
explain snakeskin ha por nada
sprinkling passions fleeting seasons bigger than gray Alaska yr eyes frontier
what could be wider than white? wiping wide whiteness from withdrawn witnesses w/o wanting, winning, nor whining; witholding weariness w/ whimsy; walloping wahoo worries w/ waxing hours Monday walking one-way, weening another: waking today once we meet cold feet exposed from the bottoms of blankets; you’re [yes, correct “you are”] hair wet from anti-dandruff shampoo. You’re wearing a skirt for free I found for you;
“Ahoy, I miss thee wanna lay me head in yr lap immediately, sissy.”
Yr steps always one ahead, save when you allow me to pass narrow planks w/ an after you, mate—
Yeah, yes thanks.
Alaska gray skies, islands rising into cloudsmoke
recall moonrings abated w/ yr sail home
passed out tipsy
halibut named Henrietta you fancied
does the same: thinking you this (this) day, my dear, this everyday
living inside you Jonah-like inside Godfish
maintaining constant flashings, future flickerings, slight cloudlings living alive—
Yea, alas. Alaska marble globs of rain soaking me fine—me wearing yr underwear like Tuesday’s scabbard.