P’s photo face
reads agent-like
& J’s legs undercrossed
toward P & hunched deep
F between J & P
—artist portraits--
suffering that salesjoint arthritis
joys of S died alone
expand ego ergo everyone
misunderstood his drivel
aye my fate ache cahnt carry lang in ma pockt mints represint wark eh so mulch demoncracy
dippends pon reignin water sides watt soap glazed j-bend pipes
lemme be los angeles the pink o’ respect-ability poss through concrete bowels mighty darkstraights
vaulted impfire
w/o loyal lobsterlocks, Louy no class beggar, eh
misinerstood no?
scratchin yr coq all dhe longahn dey
heynow grashus may! Guppy!
darq nettle hiremashina
neow sam issa jim issa e issa possum
issa wolf issa semanik steen
issa a trousers chaching colour bowdlair
saya nay? espero spiritus
na da’s a salmon
fell sleepay long a walk & kiddies
goggled & matriculated puddlefaceward
donnawanta be drankin puddlewadder neeeeeow
parasities in yr belybell donshanose
eegleswate hamstergottdam winkler
wat aboot datnew? Yea yeah?
Son of a Bitch! Son of a Bitch! Son!
sounds have ulbulch!
ass fer datneow
fer lovely evol etherflowers
rockpaintin ever entertwinin assface!
my end bawdy hyphen
so much depends
upon the mind-body hyphen
rainwater glazed
surrounded by the you-know-the-rest no
purpose clear luxury curious emotion—the machinery
with which motions evolve—they the machines
of life—regulation—reflex devices—of high
reason—absentminded human hierarchy—reasonable
behaviors—homeostatic integrity—harbinger of shelter)
beetle bets
mosquito nets site
for god’s isinglass
ondt aint summer’s fool
thing like reign; [sick]
as sexton sitting in trashbin
poor as a dormouse searching
grubsacks of sugarstacks
O my . . . bug
eat another clockclick
bora-burned “may he colp her”
ayes open
raiding righting herring sleep memormee helas
spalanca slangwedge che parlana athwart cedern cavern
the gen italia phlickers on’s way away eh
ungrateful biped.
You’d think sky joined sea both
asphalt & rain both swayed waves snails hung from banisters
miniscule sliming particles bulky against broad scratches of paint flakes
day of light none know
several ventured to cavemouth
including initial aforementioned
a sleeper in sleep sleeping forever
creek rush down below called wooshy wooshy
wet ferns grass raindrop dappled spruce trees lined path
biped suffered self when it lost T w/ regards to this only cave offered
remorse where one might lurk
ungrateful biped brought others for company (what’s better than company?) because it found satisfaction
in exhibiting self-exposure rightly brought these several for promised later repose. In front: there. Zags of flowers as in Marcus Garvey. Laces in knots. Well whatever said spilled out wrong anyway.
Follow this one here.
Up went they into cavemouth after all. O T!
to know ones
one once
knew one
no longer knows
cares to know
that should hurt but here one
finds one-
self typing hoping to find a poem & remind one that this one
now is fifty-sick years of failure and can arrive to find still nothing
call again
fail better alas
little company to distill the void that voices
could pass the time to think of that hill and the ice that slid one
down one
had to hold the fence one
had to pull one-
self up with that fence after all and one
found music and pasta with sea creatures inside to fill one