0:03my border trader policy—whether you . . .
0:09I’ll do whatever—I didn’t go look at anybody—they are made--
0:13they hear you—they have—ah—sure—but rather real . . .
0:17y’know I have a wall & they are able to burn it--
0:22the more I am mourning—& I let you know that
0:25like I sd it’s not a big enough wall—whatever American—I had experienced a new
0:30America & I didn’t order it--
0:32old America was wholehearted all in all good & not other--
0:35doesn’t rain here now &
0:39you—you know you care whatever you want now—where did you see that?—are changing
0:44here yeah visually that--
0:47on this planet & I—they—were on the right
0:51when we were in the inaugural problem rather than a lusty
0:55than ever—all love it here—are not purely
0:58for it—are they? —numbers . . . of being good? . . . that’s a hammer & all other
1:03being are as in any way at all . . . each a loner
1:07room callers & I saw them change sheets too
1:10I sure did one particular . . . musty one too--
1:16probably had a lawyer or entry—are all over here now--
1:22order them online you know . . . to have some mining
1:27I don’t know how far kind on--
1:30they don’t know what they’re doing—what—you know—the borders—only time you know
1:34well I do so . . .
1:34or have a chance that I think so—you know
1:38burden people—you—from all our--
1:42me? . . . cool—urinating on a lot of people—over scoring--
1:47while I held &—it—just—I don’t know
1:51others . . . like . . . everybody—don’t know--
1:54well—was always—have knew you were
1:58you rather—writer—when he came & then
2:01be scared—black-on-black—I’ll—last year--
2:05last two years—& there’s gotta—less—& less—we’re here
2:08this year w/ like—White House—drug up in the morning . . .
2:12the spot . . . well & he lay off it—will get her birthday of it
2:17year five & here we are at a much later--
2:21& I still gotta let me know final--
2:24tell him for people—the world
2:29a bastard demon when you say there’s people who rely on
2:32news we cannot—be late—& . . .
2:38here all the legal eagle—you no longer--
2:41it is—there—anything—you know—America thanking them for their--
2:45they don’t want to make sure they don’t like &
2:48they will—but they are—you don’t like me—are you
2:51on—like—for the biggest goddamned wall you cd ever imagine?
2:54for me the net—you—problem . . . in bond
3:00you know trainers aren’t nearly here—then you never hear nothing
3:06all it all in one or them
3:11are you—you—mention that there were—like—actually card
3:14something a little later new very bored at the worry
3:18vision where did he not like I’ll
3:22when I don’t feel great—he knew someone actually--
3:25song will that—you know—I this a bright
3:28little—I like being at home—years—you know—that I’m
3:33that—it will turn my job—my mind—I didn’t realize there were so many young--
3:37he really loves--
3:39like Mexican illegal—your hair or
3:42everything & even what they do—I was—like—a lot for making a big goddamn wall
3:46there—early on—earth & all bounded into number not null
3:52measured in minutes—I’m headed to know their—they’re
3:56near—light rail you know that—but I don’t know
4:00there are on hold—you know—in terms of development over there
4:04don’t let the check & grain cart--
4:07she sd all these are—no—we’re not really—all I heard in awhile
4:11she’s my—a lot—I have known it all along
4:15I’ll see how much did not tell her—I don’t mind at all
4:18yeah I wanna hear lines—stop the clock & go:
I get—no—we get a video—you’re
okay—years now—Louey there a new
US citizen—yeah--
US Border Patrol today—yeah—also
that’s awesome--
ok this is getting closer for their US
Border Patrol--
that’s good—I like that—okay--
okay beaner—for Amurka’s
out & abt her . . .
left before know of . . .
what’s going on in their own church--
no talk abt their knowledge--
the Mexican council vote of a haircut day--
carry more stuff for hurt to us--
there will be selling butter with their spices
so they can look into their magic cards--
to illegal aliens yesterday & today--
hundreds of illegal aliens have got to this search--
most members have no idea what’s happening--
consolidated back after
has joined w. the stay of Mexico &
bc she was putting on some signs—okay--
move together—she’s gonna come driving
through the side--
yeah—but all those beaners there—there--
& there for a reason but before you that they had the most to pick out something here--
that most of these people were fully
aware that that they
don’t realize the consequences
of supporting—there’s the consequences right
there their churches selling price
for the morning--
the bill came from supportive illegal
aliens coming to their church--
they already have a beaner ministry—yes--
& they are supporting them—& they don’t know
many—& all realize what they’re doing--
but this is the truth right there—w.
on that side is the truth of what’s happening
here today
thank you good job winner—I--
I fire—nay develop anything—really good
& I mean I’m--
I think these people have no fear--
& too many gods—yeah & they don’t understand
the consequences of what’s happening—to me--
bizarre passage cells in—it’s fine it’s
okay—my spleen—red white & blue—good
somebody from the preaching
. . . he either . . .
that charity that you talked abt--
for the others—helping the poor--
you like the one guy sd--
thought it was just for a health fair--
how go to say it was really abt destroyin this nation--
got it at the bottom it sez that Mexican go through it--
yeah out against them—everybody knows that--
& we’re out here for the health fair where it’s all abt support
illegal aliens--
announced on their website—be here today—actually
it was as it now happens—it was on their website--
announced to school counselors--
yeah—saw they had plates w.
state of Mexico today—this thing out
fucker—& certain okay
separate & okay’s good abt it . . see
socialists running things on the last making . . .
from pay for Obamacare—wifi—key stuck in a volume
of—bc he’s on television—& enough
anti-community abt that yeah he can’t--
talking abt illegal immigration status--
show me yr birthcertificate & yr guns--
this weekend okay on yr property &--
have thought abt has joined w. the Mexican
government I undercover aliens of yesterday
& today—this idea what you’re talking to me . . .
yeah this is abt all the Union--
price for money thirty pesetas okay--
thirty for her foal becoming the copper conductor--
on what it to help illegal aliens picked out for me--
wrong people is that what you are all--
this is a gift for you . . .
yr churches participating in it this weekend--
thinking abt a boy—you know what--
yr . . . you . . . by the Mexican government--
the church & state united--
you get what you want
for members to consolidate abt this--
yr leaders have joined w. the Mexican government
for thirty
pieces of silver--
thirty no you--
here for help—wd go but bringing a couple
minutes later . . .
this error by like you for Saturday’s that everyone--
okay—for now--
why will you not tell them the truth--
why wd you like to grab five Mexicans you don’t know . . .
him—questioned when they cannot be question
except every friend--
or fiend—were here for what’s happening
in yr church--
fear they use churches—appears that
spits them out—they don’t care abt you—going to get started
for four flaws & E--
for love--
love any--
all of any--
for thre—eee--
4:20& time—mucho y mucho . . . & . . .
4:22& then she either—or are people—are here--
4:25I’ll—religious there—there is a lot more holding an event held high & are not
4:31there—I’ll have the car—okay—w/ that
4:33raising many nirvana’s I
4:37was—I’ll—thinks she—around only in the main reason why--
4:41that he’s trying to do her job—to do her work—& less holy
4:47& she’s character lines—well if any are—you—whenever they’re not here
4:51all is well . . .
4:52now I’ll yeah yeah all it a lot
4:55& finally build w/ her dusk—she goes back to class
4:59thinks it won’t happen—& that which
5:04then—hell he sd—the look Juan didn’t know it
5:07personal every—but when the wets depress wages--
5:11as she watches yr fellow workers pay abt 50 bucks on a table
5:15get commissioners darn well—they didn’t have the documentation—it wasn’t--
5:20& they can’t—I hate—I do—you—think I’ve heard
5:25other stages--
5:26a lot higher—resume—for that you can talk to anyone--
5:31you know we’re gonna walk paid—well I—year
5:34there—are always complaining abt how much—rather get there are a rising
5:41uranium mining same--
5:44panel for every year—I have a problem—you’re never here
5:48& you know—you—over you know I’ll--
5:53rather than telling her anything like that & I am not paying party--
5:58yeah felons for everything down birthday--
6:01be updated every year &
6:05I you have any old—for on a review--
6:08yes but honor you an interview
6:12but alter—okay a review--
6:15totally—I . . . okay . . . & get away—& told me abt
6:20Pennsylvania—now it was mustered--
6:23I didn’t call out of it then & their rate--
6:26asked abt their accents & bloodlines all bond up w/ documentation they require
6:32you had a lot of format issues—I’ll--
6:35but regional fingerprinting & background checks right there--
6:38& biometrics where greater or
6:42yr checked-out pouring—I’m going to the travel wherever you go
6:46place you know—cuz the actual bed Wednesday--
6:49please walls—you will patrol—you out—& their credit . . .
6:53for however due process I want you to either--
6:57you have a lot on that or I--
7:00you will be fine—that & they—do mind you—they buy anything
7:04ponder when they checked it out—you will be fine
7:08there there will be no problem—business & you will—you will be fine
7:11doesn’t so they’re very spirited . . . but—& they are very proud of it
7:15& I know where the illegals eat—where they sell their labor
7:19legal seas they will not be able to demorass--
7:23they will be allowed to claim three
7:27years ahead—they got documentation license fires—all
7:30cloning—when you go to their house your friends & I have no matter what I hear
7:36yeah—it wd you be deserving way—yes—generators injector backgrounds
7:42different ages--
7:43yr call identification people sd now I have
7:47to reside—& examining I’m now under a different category--
7:51years now—you have people that are stateless--
7:55on the power okay they have your fingerprint—alright let’s say
7:58I mean—you know—there’s taco grease on their fingers
8:02taking up—but they don’t have--
8:05are you—can’t answer do have I a banking address
8:08or some other . . . being kinda—I’ll--
8:12for know—what you can’t find it? . . . no I’ll
8:16I first alert the police—& they’ll remember my county—talking abt how
8:21illegal drunk driver w/ no lights & no
8:25windshield already three beheaded maybe like
8:28I’ll take care of their information—make that eight beheaded
8:32put him in jail—he bailed out the next day—a warrantless use
8:37for that you know better—for they don’t show up—yeah--
8:40going to get dressed—I was gonna—I cannot—that’s not that well-seasoned--
8:44right here—earlier—yeah . . . but apparently on didn’t--
8:47border racing—three workers really get your license--
8:51there are here Jose & I didn’t want you you’re you’re lying—to you--
8:56licenses—so you gotta show more information--
8:59I understand this shit—you know—I’m just wondering—you get the situation
9:03w/ the smartest guy
9:04yeah who’s been here for how many years w/ the baby—I—you know
9:07right—at —I hope that what they’re doing . . . my whole thing is discouraging
9:13people which is probably why they’re here—for sale—I—but I—I did that
9:17you know—wiped out & terms are okay—the fingerprint somebody that you
9:21you know—it’s like trying to make yellow along . . .
9:25okay—they’re already doing something illegal--
9:28well as they go on to chair their new nations--
9:31their church they say to somebody else they live near--
9:37you need anything?—they are gonna tell you
9:40when ICE’s on & not only where—you know
9:44you know—when that information comes out you’re just not gonna make it
9:48you’re not here lies the—yeah—so the point is
9:52you’re honest abt where you are—you want to be here--
9:56you’re not going to get up—you’re not everyone to register
10:00& expose who you are—yeah—bc not heard from only measures workers over
10:05& over—well again this is why they’re here—you get to a place like that too . . .
10:11& states like Georgia what is injured being sued by--
10:15South American countries there—& Alabama
10:19Tennessee on & always absolute—& stars fell on Arizona--
10:23yeah these are all states—there are other things--
10:27& where they coming—you know—they’ve got a strong—or at my house
10:32like so there are a lot of
10:37them now—they won’t go there try it & I know that--
10:41primarily that you are right—grab the No—& important less third beer
10:46& I can—you go one better on--
10:49does not scare you—they I had a blast--
10:52well they might be having a blast—I got a few
10:55looks when they saw my video camera on
10:59you know better I will not let you know they are
11:06raiding my America & abetting be alright—was like yeah
11:09you know copy—& well last time when I
11:13applied to get a life
11:16& contestame jobs in Jersey corporation commission—we don’t have
11:20cops like Arizona—our idea
11:23Arizona go in there & start raising hell & they take basic
11:27information they sd yes you & you look brown come talk to me--
11:30frisking others & excused for doing it--
11:33but yeah it’s a little early this year when you think you’re doing
11:38alright—under certain matters brought are all here—I’ll security number
11:46alright alright this year’s winner--
11:49yr yrs for you have a record—anything that you like that--
11:53I rather not hear—are you?—know--
11:57care—paper—here—okay—luxury goal--
12:01right now—probable—it—to me
12:04probably—yeah morning by one problem . . .
12:08but I had the Oaxacos by the balls—look at what’s going on here--
12:12people . . . no . . . animals--
12:15so I think—you know—outfield play—so is not really been checked out & they’re
12:20not . . . not . . . not . . . no
12:20they’re not diligently doing their job—really verified--
12:24people’s along background—tell abt life--
12:27is it—is it really rough? —dissolved in the . . . know why I didn’t
12:32arm any person who has ended up going after all?--
12:35& I think is already attracting a step further—their asses--
12:39open door to people who I’ll
12:42necessarily work to track—but maybe they have it--
12:45maybe w/ terrorist agendas here--
12:49coming yr way to kill yr kids & they’re gonna come here they’re gonna come here
12:53they’re not doing anything on the border & I know it--
12:56they associate w/ Washington all credibility--
13:00but if they don’t live here—calls itself good—right now
13:03there’s an invasion & nobody is going out checking the lines--
13:07okay . . . okay--
13:12look at them processing on paper—you’re right there
13:16runs are right here--
13:19else in the world anything we’re w/—I’ll
13:24warned you abt their--
13:31now they actually warm you up—solid-state applications that rely on
13:36you’ll be fine—rock us—let us—close tho
13:40yr life—yes on--
13:43on—they all looked funded--
13:47or to meet w/—let’s bring this up—but this story that just came out & I
13:51on federal & state—was the woman—now the 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair
13:57at the checkpoint—& here they got her iron citizenship--
14:02taking her depends on getting & getting
14:06& on the other hand we got it--
14:10people plugging into lives—the other track--
14:13situation—& it I’m just making me elevated
14:18& it doesn’t make sense—not the borders—I imagine something
14:22I’ll value forces & what I want to read—what happens to bring yr razor--
14:28always do—resort well protection on the borders—& he was okay w/ the border
14:33bc the extreme value you know he’s one trillion dollars less
14:38some of them are all million dollar borders
14:41& but now we have these
14:44wets living in the back
14:47transfering borders—day what are the old--
14:51are where we’re stranded this time
14:54transporting—oriented time
14:57& you know—all bed bugs & other problems--
15:00 they’re taking care of these
15:04holidays & our borders & not carried out abt borders not really knowing
15:10America or
15:11our business & not really caring what happens to this nation &
15:16you sd that the other artery injured bc . . . I’ll . . .
15:19their carelessness & there is no other doing--
15:23whatever let delivered—yes you know
15:27old—why wd they do it deliberately . . .
15:30was just like—my—all I’ve got a little
15:34track right now who’s coming—no—yesterday morning & brown leather
15:38cultural environment—40 & I’ll--
15:41I showed it to his security there--
15:45I like that—or ok well & no I didn’t last all
15:49at work—but meanwhile you know it doesn’t take the borders that these
15:52people are supposed to be responsible--
15:54or why wd a deliberately going to those courses
15:57just they get my head you know—these borders--
16:00old they might be outdated—her rule of law
16:04just an example—don’t have a new bike—yeah they’re so it didn’t feel so good--
16:09& you don’t find it almost always rather--
16:12still reach out & grab it when these guys but I don’t think greenspan
16:16lead—they don’t read—yeah I understand—yeah
16:20that metal illness—stress & I don’t like a lot
16:24of them back in LA—all the same—hours okay—well
16:28programs—although it will not happen—is our--
16:32as bad—they are . . . there . . . bc borders of--
16:36you people w/ the . . . go back to the handlers—good--
16:42selfdeport what you think when you’re right--
16:45you—no—I just waited two hours—yeah I will be able to hold
16:50I like going there—good luck—& let us know I never--
16:54that’s bc I love & all that wild
17:00bad in the loop--
17:05them people are brown--
17:10more tan & less the man they sey
17:15& their demographics murder me w/ comedy
17:19mass percentages of these mutts--
17:21thru long loops & bronze
17:27be en route--
17:29I—C—E—by & by &
17:35in my nation this homeland good--
17:40we owe nothing to yr nation or yr children--
17:44& we won’t dare allow you in
17:49& we will see you & see thru you
17:51& on into the distance . . .
17:54money hotdamn I mean godly gold & you’ll stare at all that’s mine