2. With the new technology, it will someday be more than just waste.
3. This I decided.
4. Golden hair, I cd materialize it into hair, spin it like wool.
5. That spinning plan fell through.
6. And, because I’m a starving striker living in downtown in this postmodern-department-store age (whose work is rarely understood & that I maintain to blame on you WallMart) I thought I cd make a few bucks on the side with the picket on & all.
7. A drink? the lone bowler called X asked.
8. I had never seen X up close before.
9. Smelled like marble dipped in blue shit syrup & brandy & trash.
10. Certainly, I sd.
11. On the house I sd, my first motherfucking customer.
12. Tastes like apple cider with a bite sd to me later in a handwritten letter written on decent stationary.
13. Initially, I found it difficult to fill single half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars completely during one sitting.
14. I solved this problem by drinking more water & tons of coffee.
15. To quench the thirst.
16. Possibly, I thought, I cd churn it into butter.
17. Butterbutterbutterbutterbutterurinebutterbutterbutterbutterbutter.
18. Perhaps queso? Of course.
19. Yesterday, & day before that, my comrades collected Mason jars of it.
20. They were going jellyfish hunting on the open seas.
21. As I filled number twenty-one, I figured I cd do something else productive while bottling half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars.
22. I cd construct tree diagrams of sentences using Chomsky’s formulae for generative grammar with my free hand.
23. The lone bowler X returned one day enquiring of that letter.
24. Sd I received it.
25. Shook my hand, asked for a hug, offered thanks.
26. The stench of breath, reminiscent of cooked cabbage & old bus seats.
27. Pushed away & gave another half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar on the house.
28. Sd my latest plans (see16-18).
29. Essentially, the problem with it into wool is that it slips through the fingers.
30. The half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars stacked in the corner of my garage nearest the wheelbarrow & workbenches.
31. My friend Francine, who is an amateur body builder, drinks it as an energy supplement.
32. She says it tastes like grape juice with a punch.
33. She can lift more than three-hundred pounds over her head with it in her system.
34. My neighbor, a man from P—, asked me for a clean half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar to store his preserves.
35. I sd no sale.
36. I told her buy a jar then wash it out.
37. He did.
38. Francine told me I cd probably use it to create my work & worth.
39. “You cd splash it onto a canvas, or whatever the hell you do.”
40. I told her it’s been done.
41. The forty-first jar, from what I understand, is always the most difficult jar to fill.
42. I was diagramming a sentence this morning & I forgot what a prepositional phrase (PP) separates into.
43. Then I remembered: a preposition & a noun phrase (NP).
44. Some nice children from the neighborhood stopped by to show their support.
45. “Fucker.”
46. “Shit face.”
47. “You sick motherfucker.”
48. They still purchased six half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars for their nice families.
49. One can really sense the redeeming coolness of the half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar glass.
50. Jar number fifty looked more red than usual.
51. Too much cabbage & not enough spinach.
52. My work/art was really coming along.
53. I don’t create on behalf of science or to attain celebrity status.
54. The challenge, like that of filling each half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar to the brim, is what keeps me striving for innovation.
55. The thought occurred to me that it might do more than quench the world’s thirst (see 15).
56. The political implications of it far exceed those of nuclear warheads.
57. The world’s tracts might unite & form a more perfect, cohesive social existence.
58. I also considered the literary ramifications (see 63).
59. Later that man from P— (see 37) told me it tasted like scrambled eggs.
60. I told him my plans for queso (see 16-18, 28).
61. He asked if I had ever thought about converting it into fabric.
62. I told him yes, remorsefully.
63. It really envelops everything in a network.
64. A bitter wind made its way into my garage as I filled half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar number sixty-four.
65. As I filled number sixty-five, I considered the literary once more (see 63).
66. I asked myself, What cd envelop us more (see 63)?
67. Then I asked myself what connects it more?
68. Are we not it?
69. By me jarring the network, is that not it?
70. I answered myself with a resounding, “Of course.”
71. I shook twice after answering myself because I felt proud, & because I only needed a few more drops for number seventy-one.
72. The nice neighborhood children returned & asked for more half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars to purchase.
73. They sd their families thought it tasted like Margaritas with extra salt around the rims.
74. They bought two cases of it.
75. I did not ask where they got their money.
76. I told them my future plans for business (see 15, 16-18, 55, 57, 60), & I wondered how I might exploit the local families.
77. They told me I shd consider making it jelly.
78. I considered it.
79. But then I remembered my work/art.
80. And really, I wasn’t in the business of making money like I once thought (see 6).
81. Because work/art is aesthetic operation and magic designed as a mediator between this . . . hostile world and us.
82. The lone bowler X returned to tell me about life.
83. Sky moved, world shook, & it opened my eyes. Truly.
84. X had begun writing poetry & children’s books.
85. The lone bowler offered me a check for the free samples.
86. The check reeked of stale fish & rancid milk.
87. I respectfully declined the offer.
88. On the most literal level, it is something which is itself & yet stands for or suggests or means something else . . . in daily life also.
89. What about the things we expel in daily life? I shouted filling half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar number eighty-nine.
90. My dreams of it changing the world quickly spilled out of me as I filled jar number ninety.
91. I decided it was high time for me to find a real supplement for my income & work/art.
92. I applied for the management-training program at the bank.
93. I was accepted on account of my business know-how & can-do attitude.
94. My application, they told me later, read like poetry with a working artistic thrust.
95. I decided to dispose of my excesses, cut my losses, but before I poured all of it down the kitchen sink, the neighborhood children bought the last half-pint wide-mouth Mason jars.
96. Their parents thought it a cure for pregnant ailments.
97. I approached it with its layers of meaning but when I touched it it changed into only a beautiful princess.
98. I dragged the princess headfirst down.
99. Drink it with a donut, I explained to her, because it’s damned good for dipping.
100. She sd thanks & told me I shd consider the fabric & queso business.
101. Like motor oil with a jerk, she sd drinking my last half-pint wide-mouth Mason jar in front of me.