night spreading as peacock
his eye like charcoal
1168 dayknife
signs of declining social orders:
man a rational creature
Montezuma Cortes ye knew suppose
rational man’s stripped of apetites
hunger thirst &c at his rational
man experiments when knock
knock from his lab door
his most obedient servant
& announces ham & oxolotl
on for dinner out set already
getting cold & rational man
HAS to put his experiments down
to have some of that tasty
pigasslookin fish he sd
as Montezuma Cortes sd & here more or less paraphrase:
Montezuma Cortes: all of a piece . . . labyrinth-minded but plain spoken . . . a lady’s man / a man’s man / a wise man . . . a sort of handy index & pocket congress of all humanity . . . everything but a poet thought to him oceanwaste tyranny he sd lops lops
[pasted directly into the codex]
it was about this time
he conceiv’d the bold
& arduous Project
of arriving at Moral
w/ Print Typography:
as a Book he led an Argument
a Life—charted his Morality
vices tho Malinche sd
he went in thralls
at the Sight of jus abt any Woman
Grew more attentive
to Writing & made
his Fortune thru
Printing Press
& Alamanacks
learned his Writing
through Studied Imitation
Critique on rising Novel
liked the Addition of Quotes
of Characters who spoke
Authors who mix’d Narration & Dialogue
Good Things from That sd Montezuma Cortes
& US now all those caps for reasons now misunderstood.
INSERT: details of a Rising People
INSERT: virtues as order
as a chart he plotted progress, recorded his trespasses:
? ? ? ? ? ????? ??
?? ? ? ? ???? ??????
Montezuma Cortes
mapped his self
drew it up on his Mapa Sinvirgüenza
upon his kitchen
table’s wax--
now ¿wouldn’t that make
a wallpaper? waved
goodbye to Messico
rain fell on his fat face
poured flames flushed never
saw desert after all
had intentions of not seeing
Paris or maybe Rome
or Madrid
bought like three whores
two watches
a nice sportscoat w/ elbow
patches & breeches & hose
abroad then hit the whaleroad
back home to sign his Self
on those papers
of a Rising People
to Rising
colored it believed
in it & literacy
like Monty Cortes
himself human via it
not telling his comrades that books
—that reading—the line from one
end to another left
to right then
the page
fostered uniformity fostered
a line a point in the distance to reach
a Euclidean morality
telos you what this thing
trains training sd to pinche Malinche a lone long
line of distance like this religious state
like the shoreline inconceivable
the uniform of many lines
but a line all the same
one line for this Rising People
repeat: Rising People
repeat: one line
see: dig this:
how these lines once activated
pass a message of skill-learning
Montezuma Cortes sd:
“indoctrination now
“this might sound colonial to you
“but stand a bit closer mark this
“easy, not too Hard perfect
“now open yr mouth there yes
“now what I sd: the principal
“difficulty in economic development
“& expansion methinks is organization
“& like I sd indoctrination of
“our workforce get the Rising People
“moving even the pacifists
“our common enemy leaves avenues
“open need to train them & allow
“them to see for themselves
“that their social habits[1] transcend
“what ever limits they inhabit
“extend beyond to a bigger
“planet: ours that one
“people cannot divide
“saving money dont
“mention that nor intelligence
“but that everyone who reads
“& can sign his name not hers
“is a Man of the Rising People
“sends electricity thru
“my body thinking of that
“& that one can make a man
“becoming-man w/ books”
new patterns of life
“remove those olden ways
“a new world from darkness lurks hark!”
that’s for the record: hours
to “educate’ the workers[2]”: ¿problem?
in reading & writing
they had bibles
& culture already read well
already but not those black folks
nor the natives
& Say Sweet Monty Boy ¿what of them browns?
“don’t get Me started . . . They
“seem to Me the most ignorant Stupid Sort
“of their own Nation”
[. . . ]
“They begin of late to make all their Bonds
“& other legal Writings in their own Language
“which tho I think it ought not to be allowed
“good in our Courts / where the coloreds
“business so encreases that there is continual
“need of Interpreters & I reckon in a few years
“they’ll be also necessary in our Assembly
“to tell half of our Legislators what in the Defil
“that Other half seys”
[. . .]
“unless the stream of their importation cd be turned from this to other colonies”
“they will soon outnumber US / that all these advantages we have will not in
“MY OPINION be able to preserve our langwedge / & even our Government
“will become precarious”
good Ol’ Monty
now start yr pomes in yr ahistorical vacuum
[1] narrowing
condition of
existence from
mode of production
to shared
dispositions &
their objectively
harmonized practices perceived by
others as positive or
negative signs of natural
or social wealth &
which thereby
contributed to the
legitmation of the social
[2] gastarbeiters bastards / brown bluecollars